Tales of Relative Magick

Where the forests are alive, and the Kingdoms are awakening

New Moon Solar Eclipse In Aries – April 2023

I don’t know how you all are… but for me, the energies of this super turbo-charged eclipse season that’s kicking off tomorrow feel so incredibly potentizing (and little wonder, given the general ‘astrological’ weather, which I’ve spent the last couple of hours poring over. I’m tempted to just write ‘omfg’ and leave it at that, but as always, I’ve got way too much to say)…

So, tomorrow’s New Moon Solar Eclipse (on April 20th for most of us) is in the initiatory, driven, go-getting, cardinal sign of Aries, at the very last (anaretic) 29th degree (also known as the degree of fate). Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, symbolizing Spring, new beginnings, fresh starts, a fresh cycle; and is ruled by Mars, the red planet – of assertion, of action, the pure energy of the masculine. Adding to the heat with both Sun and Moon in Aries for this eclipse, is also Jupiter – planet of joy, expansion, beliefs, vision, prosperity… and Chiron (which I’ll touch on in a bit).

Since Aries is all about the Self, this energy is essentially about a very deep recognition of who we truly are (and want to be, and experience)… (Interestingly, this is the second New Moon in Aries we’ve had in a row… the first one being just hours after the Equinox on March 21, and at 0 degrees of Aries. Have a think back to that time around a month ago, and see if you can pinpoint something that was rising into your field and your consciousness that may be coming to a sort of culmination now).

I say ‘deep’ recognition, because there’s also going to be almost an exact square to Pluto, which, having very recently moved into freedom-loving Aquarius at 0 degrees, is coding and transforming us in such a new way here… It’s energy that we’ve simply never experienced before. Aquarius is the future; and it also symbolizes cosmic energies that want to start coming through to us now; embodied fully in this lifetime…

This is time to take steps towards our new evolution…

… and know, also, that we have the support of the Universe on our side as we allow anything that’s been holding us back (square to Pluto) to just fall away (and this could also be old beliefs, attitudes, and parts of ourselves that we simply don’t need to take with us anymore on this next leg of our journey).

Something fated (the Eclipse) wants to start to open up for us… so this is a time to really tune into and receive the messages from the Cosmos (nb – don’t even think about doing a ritual and trying to harness/direct these energies yourselves, especially with a sextile from Mars to Mercury the messenger AND the very sparky, zappy, electric outer planet Uranus [Mercury’s higher octave] going on. These placements also inject the possibility of something surprising, unexpected – perhaps even chaotic – throwing a curveball…

But whatever happens on the outside, just know that it’s just the hands of fate weaving and directing you towards the path that’s – ultimately – the most aligned for you. A path where you are essentially taking the helm, and being the leader (Aries) of the Universe that is You.

Are you ready?

One thing that feels so exciting about this Eclipse is that it’s the very first one in Aries as we begin to move into a new cycle of Eclipses on the Aries/Libra axis for the next 18 months. I just took a peek in my Ephemeris, and the last ones were in 2013/2014/2015 – and the ones before that in 2004/2005/2006.

So have a think back to those times… What were the themes and events popping up in your life? And what’s coming up right now that feels so similar? I’ll give you a personal example: This particular Eclipse is triggering my Mars/Uranus/North Node conjunction in Scorpio; and Aries is in the 10th house of my chart, which is all about career. In 2014, I opened my hostel here on Koh Phangan … and in 2005, I opened my burlesque cabaret supper club in London! Coincidence? Erm, no.

With all this flurry of energetic activity, though, I do want to underline the importance of staying grounded… There may well be intense and sudden inspiration that starts bubbling up out of nowhere … something is in the air, my dears! – but the advice from the Cosmos also appears to be… Now, in the face of all this… just sit back and take a pause. Breathe. In just an hour (or less) after the Eclipse, the Moon moves into slow and steady, practical, earthy Taurus, the Sun follows suit some hours after that, and then Mercury (also in Taurus) goes retrograde until the middle of May (it will station direct again just before the New Moon in Taurus on May 19th).

Take some time to feel into the practicals (Taurus).

Tomorrow’s Solar Eclipse opens the 2-week portal until the full moon Eclipse on 5th May… Mars is still in Cancer (ruling the home and inner nurturance)… which is going to be continuing to direct us to feel ourselves more, and more, and more. It’s also squaring that Chiron in Aries (that I mentioned at the beginning), so just be aware of what comes up in this time – old triggers, old patterns… that we’re ready to just let go of, finally… in time for that Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. It’s just stuff that we don’t need to carry anymore.

One last thing… anything that comes up during this time can also be seen as a precursory glance into the relevant themes for the next two years… This Eclipse in Aries is kicking off the series for the next 18 months, but the North Node is still in Taurus, and won’t be moving into Aries until July. And so… yes…. we’re basically getting a heads-up in where we’re headed these next two years.

Yes, the Universe is rather benevolent, n’est-ce-pas?

About the author - meet Diana Shamanic

Just over ten years ago, Diana Shamanic (aka Karen Farini) left her London life (as co-founder and owner of burlesque supper club Volupté) to go tripping 'round Asia. Here, she would ultimately wind up escaping yet another brush with muggle existence, after a 3-year stint running a same-but-different business (this time a backpacking hostel on the island of Koh Phangan in Thailand). By 2018, though... Well, let's just say her inner world had started to shift quite dramatically.... After various stints in Bali, Israel and the jungles of Peru, she's back again living on this magical crystal island, where she's just about to open 'Pandora's Box', offering psychic astrology readings and shamanic journeying into the body and beyond.

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